Putzel Kitchen

The Final Supper

Like many kids around here, my rug rats depart for a month of friends, fun and frolicking in the woods (A.K.A. overnight camp) this weekend.  Tonight’s dinner menu is my daughter’s choice: Kale Salad...

Dinner in 15 Minutes

It’s a gorgeous summer day and you just want to kick back on the patio with a glass of vino and a nice dinner. Dilemma: You want a home cooked meal, but you neither want to...

Fire Up The Grill

I know it’s a stereotype, but often times the men in the house “man the grill” and the women are scared to death of the flames.  Melissa & Meg faced the challenge and fired...

Upcoming Classes This Month

UPCOMING CLASSES  fish thursday, may 15 @ 11:30 AM Fish is healthy and can be grilled, sautéed or baked in the oven. Overcome your fear of the fins and dinner will never be the...